Energy efficiency is a large factor in the cost of running your home. For most individuals, the costs associated with their home are where the majority of their monthly income goes. Houses require lots of maintenance and attention in order to stay in good working order. Ensuring that everything is running smoothly can be a big undertaking. Furthermore, if you want to make sure that your home is eco-friendly, you have to go one step further. Despite the cost of some environmentally friendly homes in Penticton, there are some cheaper routes that achieve the same goal. Going green does not need to break the bank. In fact, it is possible to make some eco-friendly changes on a budget! Some of these changes can even help you save money in the long run by conserving energy and cutting back on waste. Follow along below to learn about the cheapest green upgrades you do for your home.
Hire a Professional to Complete an Energy Audit.

The initial cost of having someone perform an energy audit on your home is worth it. Having this procedure done can help you determine what areas of your home need to be more energy-efficient. An expert will visit your home in order to test a variety of things. For example, how airtight your home is and use a thermographic scan to find out where you are losing heat. Once you have the results, you can come up with a solution to reduce energy waste in your home. Overall, the average home energy audit costs between $300 and $500 depending on the size of your home. While the initial cost may be a bit pricey, the long-term savings will add up much more quickly. However, if this is still too much for you to spend, there are some DIY solutions.
Properly Insulate Homes in Penticton
Insulation is one of the most effective ways to increase energy efficiency in your home. And, most insulation tasks can be done without the help of a professional. While it may not be the most exciting task, fixing your insulation will improve resale value and lower your monthly heating and cooling costs. One of the most common places where homeowners neglect to install insulation is the attic. This is a big mistake! Insulating the attic can help you save anywhere from 10-50% on your energy bills.
Another thing you can do to improve insulation is glaze around old windows. Those living in older homes should consider repairing any cracked glazing around window panes. By spending the time to fix this, you can save tons of money on your heating and cooling bills.
Furthermore, using spray foam around exterior windows and doors can greatly improve insulation in a home. Homes in Penticton with old wood siding can develop large gaps around the trim of windows and doors. These gaps are easily filled with spray foam or caulk. The same thing goes for interior window and door trim. These gaps will likely be small enough to fill with caulk. However, be sure to buy caulk that can be painted over once you’ve finished filling the cracks.
Faucet Aerators Can Lessen Water Consumption.
If you notice that your faucets don’t have aerators, you may want to consider purchasing some. These little attachments have a big impact on the way your faucets work. For instance, they reduce the amount of water used, shape the stream of the water, maintain and improve water pressure, prevent splashing, and catch debris. Moreover, installing aerators on your faucets can reduce water consumption by up to 50%. You can find aerators for your faucets at any hardware store for about $4-$8 each. This is a small price to pay that has a huge impact on your ecological footprint!
Contact Me About Homes in Penticton Today!
By upgrading the energy efficiency of homes in Penticton, you will greatly improve resale value and help save on monthly costs! Going green is a perfect way to cut back on spending and help the environment. If you have any questions about buying or selling homes in Penticton, be sure to reach out to me! I am excited to get your summer real estate goals on track. Homes in Penticton are a great investment. Don’t hesitate to contact me with any concerns or inquiries about real estate in Penticton. Be sure to check back next month for more real estate-related content! I look forward to working with you in the near future.